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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 50:1-26
This content is part of a series.

Title: Lessons from a Life Well-lived
Series: Genesis (58)
Scripture: Genesis 50
Author: Robert Dawson

A little 6-year-old girl found a penny and excitedly showed it to her grandmother who, like so many of us, had lost the simple joys and perspective of a child. She dismissively looked at the penny and said, "What's so great about finding a penny? You can't buy anything with it." The little girl shot back, "Yes you can! You can buy a dream in a wishing well!"

If only things were that simple! We have all had those "big penny dreams," which as it turns out, is about what they are worth. Life rarely turns out how we hoped or dreamed. I'm not saying we shouldn't dream or that it is wrong to dream, just that life rarely conforms to our dreams. (If the "penny dreams" of our youth were reality, most of us would not be here and yet after many years and lots of perspective, most would not want to be anywhere else).

I wonder what Joseph's "penny dreams" of youth would have been? We know that he was capable of some big dreams. Whatever Joseph's dreams may have been, reality did not conform to them.

I doubt seriously his dreams included all the hardships he was forced to endure.

-The hatred and betrayal of his brothers. A hatred so great they debated killing him but instead of murdering their brother they decided to sell him as a common slave to traveling merchants.

-Being a slave/servant in the house of Potiphar. Even though Joseph prospered in his role as steward of the house, he was still a slave who owned nothing and despite his competence was nothing more than property.

-Being daily tempted and propositioned to commit adultery by Mrs. Potiphar. He tried his best avoid her unless others were present, but she caught him in a private moment, when everyone else was out of the house, and put on a full court press with her advances. Joseph, holding fast to his faith, his integrity and honoring his master and his sexually deviant wife, fled only to be rew ...

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