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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Matthew 5:21-28
This content is part of a series.

Title: G-rated SINS with R-rated Warnings
Series: You Asked for It (4)
Scripture: Matthew 5:21-28
Author: Jordan Easley

Throughout this series, we've talked about some BIG problems that we're facing in our country and in our culture today. There are some MAJOR issues that we're facing... that are slowly decaying the foundation in which we were established.

But you know what I've realized? Most of the time, the MAJOR issues get the most attention... but it's the MINOR things that cause the most destruction.

I'll never forget the phone call I received on July 4, 2017. My family was out of town visiting relatives... and we had a college student house sitting for us and watching our pets while we were gone. Well, this particular phone call was from that house sitter. It was about 8 o'clock in the morning, and when I answered the phone and said, "hello," all I heard on the other line was this... "The animals are okay... but there is currently 12 inches of water covering the entire floor of your house."

Now, I was 1,000 miles away, so all I could think was... "How does something like that happen?" I mean, did a tidal wave hit my house? Did someone clog up all the sinks and bathtubs and run the water overnight? Was this a terrorist attack... or a bad practical joke? How does something like this happen? You would think with a MAJOR flood, there had to be a MAJOR problem. But that wasn't it at all.

This entire flood happened because of one rusty nail in one tiny water pipe. Our house sitter took a shower the night before... and then they went to sleep. When they woke up, the rusty nail that was in the pipe apparently fell out during the shower, and then while they were asleep... the water ran all night long, inside the wall, and flooded our house.

You see, in our minds-homes are destroyed by hurricanes and tornadoes and fires and major storms... but the truth is: One tiny nail can destroy your house.

The Bible says something simi ...

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