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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: James 4:4-10
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Title: COME CLEAN (16)
Series: James
Scripture: James 4:4-10
Author: Stephen Whitney

There are about 40 thousand species of spiders which live in every part of the world from the North pole to the hottest jungles. There is one species of spider that has even successfully invaded living in water. The water spider can't breathe under the water so it spins a thick basketlike web of silk, which lies flat just below the surface of the water attached to water plants so that it will stay in place.
Then it swims up to the surface and traps a bubble of air between its back legs and carefully drags the air bubble down under the water by climbing down on the plants.

The spider may have to do this hundreds of times until the air has stretched the web into the shape of a dome. The spider can live comfortable under the water for about four months waiting to trap insects. The combination of building a web under water and filling it with air allows the water spider to live in an environment that normally would destroy it.

As Christians, we too live in an environment that could destroy us.
The world's attitudes, practices and values continue to pull at us from all sides and influence us to make ungodly decisions.

David Roper in, GROWING SLOWLY WISE, wrote, "What does it mean to be worldly? When I was growing up worldliness was smoking, drinking, card-playing, gambling and movie going.
But those prescriptions don't go far enough: they don't touch the heart. It's possible for me to avoid doing any or all of them and still be polluted. I can avoid suds and slow dancing and yet harbor rank bitterness and resentment in my soul. I can kick the smoking habit and yet remain selfishly ambitious. I can go to prayer meetings and Bible studies and yet gossip and spread rumors
that ruin the lives of my neighbors. I can stay away from pool halls and poker games and yet wet get bent out of shape
when I'm not pampered to."

Worldliness is not just something that ...

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