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A "WEEBLE" LIFE (17 OF 17)

by Tim Badal

Scripture: Ephesians 6:18-24
This content is part of a series.

Title: A "Weeble" Life (17 of 17)
Series: WHO AM I?
Scripture: Ephesians 6:18-24
Author: Tim Badal

It's my great privilege to say open your Bibles, for the last time for the foreseeable future, to the book of Ephesians. We are at the end of our series on this letter that the apostle Paul wrote to a group of believers who were trying to understand who they were-their identity-in a fallen and pagan world. Paul reminds them of who they are in Christ. He reminds them of all the privileges and the position they hold as sons and daughters of God. He speaks of how much God loves them and cares for them, how He has equipped them and filled them with His Spirit, how He longs for them to live in victory and not in defeat.

In the last three chapters of this incredible letter we have learned the application of these truths. Once we know who we are and how God has uniquely equipped us for every good work He has for us, now we are to go out and live in light of that identity and that truth. The people in Ephesus were blessed by Paul's writings, and we who are now 2,000 years separated from its original writing are reading it in a world of fallenness, in a world of lies and deception.

Over these many weeks, we have also asked, "Who am I? How do I define myself? How do I understand my purpose in this world?" If I don't know who we are, the question of meaning and significance will never really be answered. We will go about looking at all the things the world says will give us our identity-the things that define who we are-but none of these will satisfy. None of them will give us security in the place God has designed us to live and prosper.

God writes this letter to us through the apostle Paul, wanting the truths of this book to seep into our hearts and minds, to know who we are, to be grounded in the truth of who God has made us to be, then in doing so, to act, respond and live in a way that corresponds with that identity, with that defining purpose for which ...

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