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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Nehemiah 9:1-37
This content is part of a series.

Sermon Title: "Remember Your Roots"
Sermon Series: Rebuild and Renew (10 of 13)
Scripture: Nehemiah 9:1-37
Contributor: Keith Krell

Heart Disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. One person dies from it every thirty-four seconds. If you go to the ER with heart palpitations or pain, you're immediately put to the front of the line. (Heart conditions are taken seriously.) Likely, the first thing they'll do is hook you up to an EKG machine to accurately assess the state of your heart.

In the same way that an EKG reveals our physical heart condition, the Bible reveals our spiritual heart condition. The Word of God discloses what's needed for spiritual health. Without regular times in the scriptures, we can't know how healthy or unhealthy we are. In Nehemiah 9, we'll discover that the Bible is our guide to walking with God.1

Nehemiah introduces the setting for our account in 9:1:2 "Now on the twenty-fourth day of this month [the seventh month] the sons of Israel assembled with fasting, in sackcloth and with dirt upon them."3 If you recall from chapter 8, the reading of God's Word, which they hadn't experienced for decades, led to revival! God's people immediately felt conviction and wanted to confess their sins.4 However, Ezra and Nehemiah told them that before repentance, they needed worship. First, the people needed to celebrate God's past faithfulness. So, now after worship, comes the repentance. On the twenty-fourth day, after the three feasts, the Lord breaks them.5 They move from feasting to fasting. Fasting, sackcloth, and dirt were traditional signs of mourning, often done together.6 What the people are doing is clothing themselves with discomfort because of their sin. They're saying, "We're a mess. We're filthy and our sin makes us miserable. We need help." Like our ancient sisters and brothers, we need to experience the depth and depravity of our sin. We aren't meant to be comfortable and complacent in our sin ...

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