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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1-18
This content is part of a series.

Sermon Title: "People of the Book"
Sermon Series: Rebuild and Renew (9 of 13)
Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1-18
Contributor: Keith Krell

During the last three weeks, there have been several revivals on college campuses across the country. The first began on February 8th at Asbury University in Wilmore, KY. About twenty students stayed after chapel to pray. Many other Asbury students later joined. Since that time, about 15,000 people a day from all over the world have traveled to Asbury to experience this revival firsthand. Other universities like Samford, Lee, Cedarville, Belmont, and Baylor are also experiencing expressions of revival. Over twenty schools have been impacted. God seems to be moving the hearts of His young people.

As Christians, we long for God to move in the hearts of all His people. We want to see churches, schools, families, and individual believers revived. Yet, we don't want just a fleeting moment of emotional experience or spiritual high. We yearn for lasting life change and fruit. So, how can we become recipients of revival? Our sermon passage for today, Nehemiah 8, is going to answer that very question. The answer is simple and straightforward: Revival erupts when God's people respond to God's Word. In other words, lasting and significant spiritual renewal will not happen apart from the centrality of the Word of God.1 In Nehemiah 8,2 we see three key ingredients for spiritual revival.3

1. We Must Understand God's Word (8:1-8).4 The account begins in 8:1: "And all the people gathered5 as one man [not gender but in unity] at the square which was in front of the Water Gate, and they asked Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses6 which the LORD had given to Israel."7 In this chapter, the word "people" occurs fifteen times, including ten uses of the phrase "all the people."8 And the phrase "the law" occurs nine times.9 Clearly, the emphasis is the response of God's people to God's Word.10 We must not undervalue the importance ...

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