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by Keith Krell

Scripture: Nehemiah 5:1-19
This content is part of a series.

Sermon Title: "People Problems Within"
Sermon Series: Rebuild and Renew (6 of 13)
Scripture: Nehemiah 5:1-19
Contributor: Keith Krell

One lazy Saturday morning, two parents were having coffee in the kitchen together. They were blissfully enjoying a moment of peace and quiet. Their 8-year-old daughter was playing in the backyard with some friends. But then they heard the girls arguing . . . and then shouting. "You can't make me!" "Stop that!" "You're totally wrong!" And, "fine . . . I'm leaving!" Peace and quiet was over. Based on the not-so-subtle look his wife gave him, the father realized it was his turn to be the disciplinarian. He went out and started reprimanding the children. "What is going on here, girls? Why can't you just get along and love one another?" "But Daddy," his daughter protested, "We were just playing." "Well, that didn't sound very nice to your mom and me" he said. "What were you playing?" She innocently replied . . . "church."1

Ouch! That hurts, doesn't it? Sadly, the church of Jesus Christ has often had more factions than fellowship. The enemy is supposed to be Satan. But too often, we are our own worst enemy. So, if you've been in the church for any length of time, you've likely been hurt by other Christians. And whether you intended to or not . . . most likely, you've hurt other Christians. The Church is not a problem-free, spiritual utopia. The Church is made up of sinful people-like you and me. Although we desperately need each other, we often deeply hurt each other.

In Nehemiah 5,2 the issues aren't just squabbles and infighting . . . they're actually it's much more serious. God's people sin against one another in horrific ways. This passage alerts us that we're capable of going to deep depths of depravity. This compels Nehemiah to emphasize a resounding theme: Revere God by remembering others.3

1. Nehemiah Learns of Internal Economic Injustice (5:1-5). Verse 1 begins on a disturbing note: "Now there was a great ou ...

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