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by Jeff Strite

Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-7
This content is part of a series.

Sermon: The Heart Of A Healthy Wife (2 of 4)
Sermon Series: The Healthy Family
Preacher: Jeff Strite
Text: I Peter 3:1-7

OPEN: A 2-year-old girl had a fascination with the story of "Cinderella." One day, when the girl came across a photo of her mother and father on their wedding day, she got all excited. "Mommy got married just like Cinderella!"

"Yes honey," the mother answered. "just like Cinderella."

Then there was a long pause as the little girl looked intently at the picture. "But Mommy, you didn't marry a prince. You married Daddy."

Even a little girl recognized that her daddy wasn't a prince. He was just daddy.

While the prince in the Cinderella story was a dream come true, most MEN aren't. They are NOT dreams come true... they're just men. They have weaknesses and shortcomings just like everyone else. They make mistakes and they forget things, and they even do foolish and even hurtful things on occasion. Of course, women are the same as men in that... they have their problems too.

And because both men and women have shortcomings you'll hear some men will say:

"My wife don't deserve to be loved like the Bible says. My wife does this wrong... or THAT wrong. And I'll love her when she straightens up and behaves as she should."

In the same way, women will look at a passage like ours today and they'll say "Be subject to my husband? I don't think so! He certainly doesn't deserve to be treated THAT way."

Now, why do I tell you that? I tell you that because folks too often have the false impression that God is telling women what their husbands should be like, and telling men what their wives should be like.

Actually, that's not true. God doesn't tell you what the "other spouse" should do. Instead, God tells men what THEY should be like no matter what their wives do. And He tells women what THEY should be like no matter what their husbands do.

Last week we focused on what men should strive to be like. They s ...

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