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by Steve Wagers

Scripture: GALATIANS 5:22, I PETER 3:15-16
This content is part of a series.

Walk Softly, but Carry a Big Stick! (8 of 9)
The Sweet Taste of Spirit Fruit
Pastor Steve N. Wagers
Galatians 5:22, 1 Peter 3:15-16

1. As a young boy, growing up, I vividly recall several times sitting on my dad's knee. My dad was a mammoth of a man. And, a person you definitely wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley. Often times my dad would talk to me about areas of which needed improvement in my basketball game. More than anything, he wanted to dedicate myself to the game, and if possible, further it to achieve the dream of a college scholarship. I only wish my dad could have been around when that dream was fulfilled.

2. However, there were other times when my dad would sit me down and just talk to me about life. More than he wanted me to be a great basketball player he wanted me to be a Christian, and be used of God. He never said that he wanted me to follow in his footsteps of ministry, he only wanted me to serve the Lord in whatever direction my life took me. Time after time, my dad had coined a phrase that has remained in my mind down through the years. One of his favorite sayings was, "Son, walk softly, but carry a big stick!" In essence, he was saying, 'be humble, and gentle, but don't let anyone use you as a doormat!' As always, it has been worthwhile advice.

3. That seems to be the teaching of the Bible when it comes to the area of humility and meekness. It seems to convey the same message; to 'walk softly, but carry a big stick.'

4. The word "meekness" that Paul uses in Galatians 5: 22 is an interesting Greek word. It was a word with which the Greeks were familiar, particularly those who had a working knowledge of Aristotle. He had a theory that a virtue is the mean between two vices. Rage was a vice that reigned supreme at one end of the personality; and, indifference was found at the opposite extreme. Planted firmly in between, and therefore qualifying as a virtue in Aristotle's book was meekness. (1)

5. We ...

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