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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4
This content is part of a series.

Title: Family Ties (14 of 17)
Series: WHO AM I?
Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4
Author: Tim Badal

Turn in your Bible to the book of Ephesians. We're in chapter six, which means we're opening the last chapter of this series we started back in January, looking at the question, "Who Am I?" We have come to understand that the identifying mark of who we are is not found in how the world identifies it. It's not how we feel about ourselves. Rather, it's about what God has done in us through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

We are the children of God, saved by the grace of God and now given the call to walk in a manner worthy of the calling we have received in and through Christ Jesus our Lord. We have been learning about this calling, and as we come to the end of chapter five and move into chapter six, Paul is now talking about what this looks like within the family life and the home life of the Christian.

Two weeks ago we talked about the home life regarding husbands and wives. The wife is called to submit to the husband. The husband is called to love and sacrifice for the wife in the same way that Christ loves and sacrificed Himself for the church. Now Paul pivots to the calling of the children to their parents, and the calling to the parents-especially the fathers-to their children. We will see the importance of this, especially regarding the impact the family has within society as a whole. Paul's words are concise, yet they are critical to the overwhelming aspects of our lives. Where the family goes, so goes the community, so goes society and so goes our country and our world. So 2,000 years ago Paul gave us what I believe are also contemporary words that apply to all ages.

I'm excited today to invite not only those who are here with us every week, but also our fourth and fifth graders who are joining us. I think Paul's words will be just as appropriate and crucial for them as for any of the rest of us. Let's listen to what Paul says to us, th ...

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