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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 45:1-15, Genesis 50:19-20
This content is part of a series.

Title: A Theology that Sustains
Series: Genesis (#54)
Scripture: Genesis 45.1-15; 50.19-20
Author: Robert Dawson

When our children were small, we took them to Disney World, the self-professed "Happiest Place on Earth." We did not tell them where we were going. We just told them we were going on a trip, and we didn't tell them about the trip days in advance. We told them when we were packing up to go. They didn't know the destination until we pulled in and saw the big eared Mouse at the entrance.

Some of you are thinking, how sweet. You made it a surprise and kept it a secret. Yes, but we were not altruistic in our motivations. The purpose of the secret was not to maintain the element of surprise but our sanity. Taking a trip with our little jabber boxes was challenging enough without the added excitement of the Magic Kingdom sprinkled in. All the questions. All the "are we there yets." All the pent-up excitement and anticipation would not have killed them but us!! So, we kept them in moderately subdued suspense by keeping them in the dark about the destination and the big payoff at the end. When they saw where their journey had brought them...they were overjoyed.

When it comes to the journey of life, God does the same with his children, only for different reasons, not for His sanity and self-preservation but for our sanctification and the outworking of His sovereign plan. We don't know all that this journey of faith and life entails, but God does, and we will go through seasons of our life, experience moments in our lives, were we feel as if we are in the dark.

The challenge is to keep trusting and walking by faith.

Joseph spent years of his life in the dark. He lived over a decade of his life in uneasy and agonizing suspense. He did not know where this journey would lead. Most of us are familiar with Joseph's story, especially after the weeks we have spent looking at Joseph's life but for those are not, I want to encourage you to go home and r ...

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