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by Jordan Easley

This content is part of a series.

Title: The DESIGN & DESIGNER of Gender, Identity & Sexuality
Series: You Asked For It (1)
Author: Jordan Easley

Today, we’re launching into a sermon series I’m calling, “You Asked For It,” and over the next month or so, I’ll be addressing some of the most requested subjects that you’ve submitted over the past year or so… which just so happen to represent some of the hottest topics of conversation happening in our culture right now.

Over the new couple weeks, we’re going to be unpacking Biblical truth regarding Gender, Identity & Sexuality… And before we get started, let me say to the parents in the room: In this message, you will most likely hear some explicit terminology… but just know… I’m going to do my very best to keep this message PG. I know… Moms & Dads, that we have little listening ears in the room… but I do want to applaud you for having them here today… because the truth is: if the church isn’t willing to have these conversations, then who will?

The purpose of this message isn’t to lament the condition of our society and it isn’t to degrade or denigrate those who currently live in a way that’s inconsistent with a Biblical worldview. The purpose of today’s message is to bring hope… and it’s to bring clarity… in the midst of what is currently a very confusing season in our culture.

My prayer—is that this message will bring hope and clarity to our friends and neighbors living alternative lifestyles… and to people that may be questioning their own identity or their sexuality… Today my prayer is that you will leave this place with the truth… while also knowing that you are loved, and that you are welcome here… and not only do we love you, but God loves you. Amen, church?

Now, I do want to prepare you for the next several weeks: These conversations are most likely going to make all of us uncomfortable and one point or another. But just know… this sermon series will be an equal opportunity offender. If you’re not offended today, you’l ...

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