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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: James 3:17-18
This content is part of a series.

Heavenly Wisdom (14)
Series: James
Stephen Whitney
James 3:17-18

We tend to think that wisdom is knowledge - what we know about a subject. But the Bible presents wisdom as how we live - our way of life. It is knowing what God wants us to do and doing it.
Wisdom is seen in our character and how we relate to others in
the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Phil Donahue, the television talk show host for 29 years from
1967 to 1996, had a reputation for giving pastors a hard time.
He said that he had little respect for them because most would
do anything for some media attention.

In his autobiography, he tells a story about an encounter with
a pastor who was different. While he was a young television reporter one day, he was sent to West Virginia in the bitter cold
to cover a story about a mine disaster. He went by himself in a little car and carried a minicam to film the story.

It was so cold when he got there, that the camera wouldn't work.
So he put it inside his coat to warm it up enough so it would run. In the meantime, the families of the trapped miners gathered around, there were women, old men and children. Then, the local pastor arrived. He was rough-hewn and he didn't speak well at all. But he gathered all the families around in a circle and they held one another in their arms as he prayed for them.

As this was going on, Donahue was still trying to get his camera to work, and he was greatly frustrated because he couldn't film this poignant scene. Finally, after the prayer was over, he managed to get his camera operating. So, he told the pastor he had his camera working now and asked if the pastor would please do the prayer again so he could film it for the evening news.

Donahue said that he has been with the world's best known public figures, including preachers, and they all willing to redo a scene in order to get it on the evening news. This simple West Virginia preacher, however told him, "Young man, ...

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