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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: James 3:1-6
This content is part of a series.

The Telltale Tongue (11)
Stephen Whitney
James 3:1-6

In 2001 a new TV gameshow called "The Weakest Link" made
its debut. The players had to answer questions about all different kinds of subjects. The more right answers they gave the more money their team won. After each round the players voted off
the person who they felt was the weakest link on their team so
that the strongest could continue to answer the most questions.
The winners would take home the whole jackpot while the
"weakest links" would go home with nothing.

The host of the show was a British journalist, Anne Robinson.
One writer described her on-screen persona as so terrifying that she makes the Wicked Witch of the West look like your favorite aunt.
Decked out in her black outfits she is a ruthless game show dominatrix, who seemed to get a kind of sadistic pleasure out of
reducing players to pools of emotional jelly before telling them,
"You are the weakest link, goodbye."

Her poison tongue and ego-piercing wit are part of an act that made her a hit both in America and England. She said, "It's not easy being an abusive meanie." Before she would have the contestants vote one which person was the "weakest link"
she would often say, "Which village is missing their idiot?"
Her mean-spirited role and comments caused some people
to dislike both her and the show.

What we say reveals who we are. Our words reflect our character.
1:26 NIV - Those who consider themselves to be religious and
yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves.

WARNING - our speech reveals our character :1-2
Teachers :1
Teachers have a great influence on others by what they say.
As a teacher is it easy to influence others to believe or do what
it right or what is wrong. Because of the influence of a teacher God will hold them accountable for what they have said.

Everyone :2
For we all - every person sins, no one is perfect.
Romans 3:23 All hav ...

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