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by Steve Wagers

Scripture: EPHESIANS 4:26
This content is part of a series.

You're So Mad You Can't See Straight!
Series: How To Tackle What's Tackling You!
Steve Wagers
Ephesians 4:26


Has this ever happened to you? Your respiration deepened, and your heart began to beat rapidly. Your arterial pressure rose. Blood shifted from your stomach, intestines, to the heart, central nervous system, and muscles. The processes of the alimentary canal ceased. Sugar was freed from the reserves in your liver. Your spleen contracted, and discharged it's contents of concentrated corpuscles and adrenaline was secreted. 1

You say, 'Preacher, I don't know if that's ever happened to me, or not!' Well, if you have ever become angry it did. I just read to you the physiological description of what happens when a person gets angry.

Now, we must preface this message by saying that there is a difference between aggravation and anger. They are not one in the same, and, in fact, they are the difference of two extremes.

In fact, I think of a little girl who was doing her homework, and she asked her dad to explain to her the difference between aggravation and anger. He said, "Oh, that's easy, I'll show you." He walked over to the telephone and dialed a number. A man answered the phone, and the dad said, "Hello, is George there?" The man said, "There is no one here named George. You've got the wrong number." The man hung up. The dad dialed the number again, and said, "Hello, is George there?" This time the man said, "I told you a minute ago that there was no one here by the name of George," and hung up. The dad dialed it again, and again asked, "Hello, is George there?" To this the man exploded, and said, "Listen buddy, I told you before, and I'm not going to tell you again, that there is no George here. You better not call here again." He hung up.

The dad looked to his little girl, and said, 'Honey, that's anger. Now, let me show you aggravation. The dad dialed the number again, and said, "Hello, this is George ...

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