by Steve Wagers
Scripture: GENESIS 5:24
This content is part of a series.
Enoch: A Man Familiar with God (1 of 3)
Series: A Journey Through the Life of Enoch
Steve Wagers
Genesis 5:24
Man, the prize, and the pride of God's creation, is the greatest marvel in the universe. Scientists have discovered some very revealing statistics that set man's ability to live apart from any other of God's wonderful creation. For example, they have discovered that a man's:
? heart beats 40 million times a year
? blood flows 60,000 miles a year
? has the wonderful mechanisms of the eye and ear
? has the ability to fight off disease and sickness; and,
? has a mind capacity superior to any other.
However, of all the qualities that a man possesses, his greatest quality, which distinguishes him from any other creature, is his ability to walk with God. F. W. Boreham once said, "Civilized man has learned how to fly, but he has lost the art of walking with God." F. B. Meyer put it well, when he said, "Man may consume himself with career, money, hobbies, and family; yet, what will bear record in heaven is if he walked with God." 1 Truly, though we live in a day where virtually everything is accessible at our fingertips, one of the things that we have lost is an awareness is the ability, as well as, the necessity to walk with God.
In the text before us, we find a man who is one of only 2 men, in the Bible, the other being Noah, of whom it is said, that he "walked with God." He is a man by the name of Enoch, and he is a somewhat of a mystery man in the Scriptures due to the fact that not much is said of him. Yet, of what little we do know of him, one thing is known for sure, and that is that, he knew God, he walked with God, and Enoch was "A Man Familiar With God!" Briefly, let's examine his life, his love, and his labor, and see 3 wonderful truths about him. You will notice, as:
Though we are not given a resume depiction of Enoch, in just two small words, we get ...
Series: A Journey Through the Life of Enoch
Steve Wagers
Genesis 5:24
Man, the prize, and the pride of God's creation, is the greatest marvel in the universe. Scientists have discovered some very revealing statistics that set man's ability to live apart from any other of God's wonderful creation. For example, they have discovered that a man's:
? heart beats 40 million times a year
? blood flows 60,000 miles a year
? has the wonderful mechanisms of the eye and ear
? has the ability to fight off disease and sickness; and,
? has a mind capacity superior to any other.
However, of all the qualities that a man possesses, his greatest quality, which distinguishes him from any other creature, is his ability to walk with God. F. W. Boreham once said, "Civilized man has learned how to fly, but he has lost the art of walking with God." F. B. Meyer put it well, when he said, "Man may consume himself with career, money, hobbies, and family; yet, what will bear record in heaven is if he walked with God." 1 Truly, though we live in a day where virtually everything is accessible at our fingertips, one of the things that we have lost is an awareness is the ability, as well as, the necessity to walk with God.
In the text before us, we find a man who is one of only 2 men, in the Bible, the other being Noah, of whom it is said, that he "walked with God." He is a man by the name of Enoch, and he is a somewhat of a mystery man in the Scriptures due to the fact that not much is said of him. Yet, of what little we do know of him, one thing is known for sure, and that is that, he knew God, he walked with God, and Enoch was "A Man Familiar With God!" Briefly, let's examine his life, his love, and his labor, and see 3 wonderful truths about him. You will notice, as:
Though we are not given a resume depiction of Enoch, in just two small words, we get ...
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