by Jim Perdue
Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13
This content is part of a series.
How to Pray with Power (11 of 12)
Series: Foundations: What Every Christian Ought to Know
Jim Perdue
Matthew 6:9-13
Today, we're talking about How to Pray with Power and I'm going to ask you to turn to the most well-known prayer in the entire Bible. We call it The Lord's Prayer and it's found in Matthew 6:9-13. The Disciples' Prayer or Model Prayer might be a more accurate title. Jesus did not give this prayer to us to be memorized and recited. In fact, He gave this prayer to keep us from using vain repetitions. He didn't say, "Pray these words." He said, "Pray like this..." That is, "Use this prayer as a pattern, not as a substitute."1 READ TOGETHER ALOUD - ADD "For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
*On October 15, 1997, David Huxley strapped a harness around his upper torso and attached it to a steel cable some fifteen yards long. The other end of the steel cable was attached to the front-wheel strut of a 747 jetliner that weighed 187 tons. With his tennis shoes firmly planted on the runway, Huxley leaned forward, pulled with all his might, and began moving the jetliner down the runway. In fact, he pulled the 747 one hundred yards in one minute and twenty-one seconds. God's work resembles that 747 jetliner. Just as it is impossible to pull a plane any real distance without using its engines, we can do nothing in our own strength. Prayer connects us with God and gives us the power we need to accomplish God's will for His glory. We can't pull this off on our own!*2
Praying with power! There's not a more important subject in all the world for a Christian than to learn how to pray. Not only to learn how to pray but to pray with power, to pray in the Spirit, to pray to get prayers answered. As Christians we must realize that nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer expect that which lies outside the will of God. Prayer can do anything God can do, and God can do anything!3
For many Christians the major failure in life ...
Series: Foundations: What Every Christian Ought to Know
Jim Perdue
Matthew 6:9-13
Today, we're talking about How to Pray with Power and I'm going to ask you to turn to the most well-known prayer in the entire Bible. We call it The Lord's Prayer and it's found in Matthew 6:9-13. The Disciples' Prayer or Model Prayer might be a more accurate title. Jesus did not give this prayer to us to be memorized and recited. In fact, He gave this prayer to keep us from using vain repetitions. He didn't say, "Pray these words." He said, "Pray like this..." That is, "Use this prayer as a pattern, not as a substitute."1 READ TOGETHER ALOUD - ADD "For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
*On October 15, 1997, David Huxley strapped a harness around his upper torso and attached it to a steel cable some fifteen yards long. The other end of the steel cable was attached to the front-wheel strut of a 747 jetliner that weighed 187 tons. With his tennis shoes firmly planted on the runway, Huxley leaned forward, pulled with all his might, and began moving the jetliner down the runway. In fact, he pulled the 747 one hundred yards in one minute and twenty-one seconds. God's work resembles that 747 jetliner. Just as it is impossible to pull a plane any real distance without using its engines, we can do nothing in our own strength. Prayer connects us with God and gives us the power we need to accomplish God's will for His glory. We can't pull this off on our own!*2
Praying with power! There's not a more important subject in all the world for a Christian than to learn how to pray. Not only to learn how to pray but to pray with power, to pray in the Spirit, to pray to get prayers answered. As Christians we must realize that nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer expect that which lies outside the will of God. Prayer can do anything God can do, and God can do anything!3
For many Christians the major failure in life ...
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