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by Steve Wagers

Scripture: PSALMS 46:4-5
This content is part of a series.

Our Mighty God of Safety (3 of 6)
Series: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Steve Wagers
Psalm 46:4-5


As at no other time in the history, of this great nation, have we experienced such technological advances, educational achievements, and medical accomplishments, as we have in the past 10 years. We are flying higher, traveling faster, and growing larger than at any other time. Yet, in the midst of this dynamic revolution, there is still one thing that many are in search of, and that is Peace, and Safety!

Why, one would think that the statue of our freedom, in our nation's capital, would be one of the safest places in the world. However, a few days ago, as you well know, we were awakened to the grim reality that not even it is safe. For, on Friday, July 24, at approximately 2:30 p.m., a man with a feather in his cap, by the name of Robert Eugene Weston, Jr., entered the U.S. Capitol building, and proceeded to go around, instead of through, the metal detector. When police officer, Jacob J. Chestnut challenged him, the man pulled our a Smith & Wesson .38 revolver and shot Chestnut through the eye. As the gunshots echoed through the marble hallway, the intruder, possibly in pursuit of a woman, made his way down a small hallway, and through a door marked, "Private: Do Not Enter!"

Inside the door, in a warren of offices reserved for House Majority Whip, Tom DeLay, staffers were drinking champagne to celebrate a legislative victory on health care reform they had achieved that afternoon. Hearing the gunfire, Special Agent, John Gibson, jumped from him guard post, near the door, and shouted to the staffers to get down. When the fleeing woman burst through the door, Gibson pushed her aside, and leveled his 9mm pistol at the intruder. Immediately, both men opened fire, and at point blank range, within seconds, Gibson dropped to the floor, with a fatal wound to his chest. Weston also collapsed in a pool of his own blood, with wound ...

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