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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 42:1-38, Genesis 43:1-34, Genesis 44:1-34
This content is part of a series.

The Transforming of Hard Hearts (52)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 42-44

Most people here have heard of Murphy's Law. If you haven't, you've thought it and lived it. One major tenet of Murphy's Law states, "If anything can go wrong, it will." Murphy's Law in practice looks like this...

- If you wash your car in the morning, it will rain in the afternoon.
- If you're tired and go to bed early, someone will call with an emergency.
- As soon as you throw something away because it was missing a part, you will find the missing part.
- If you're sick and make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you'll feel better. If you don't make an appointment - you'll stay sick.
- If you drop of piece of bread that you've just spread thick with peanut butter and honey, it will fall peanut butter and honey side down.

Murphy's law says, when things are going well, give it time. Something will go wrong, just wait.

Sometimes in life it seems like no matter which direction you choose it is always uphill and against the wind. Sometimes it seems, no matter which lane you choose, the one you choose is the slowest and if you switch lanes, the one you left will speed up. We've all been there! (C. Swindoll).

Jacob, wonderful optimist that he was, I hope you hear sarcasm in that statement, must have felt as if he were peddling his bike uphill and against the wind. The news he receives at the end of chapter 42 adds more weight to an already heavy heart.
- 20-25 years earlier, Jacob was robbed of his favorite son, Joseph, who was sold into slavery by 10 of his other sons who then deceived Jacob into thinking he had been mauled and eaten by a wild animal.
- Watched his boys follow paths and live lives that were anything but lives of holiness and faith. There is nothing as heartbreaking than watching those you love make a trainwreck of their lives.
- Now, there was a severe famine that threatened his family. So, he sends 10 sons to Egypt fo ...

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