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by Marvin D. Patterson

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:1-27

Paul's Apostleship Proven!
Marvin Patterson
1 Corinthians 9:1-27


A 4-year-old boy was asked to return thanks before Christmas dinner. The family members bowed their heads in expectation. He began his prayer, thanking God for all his friends, naming them one by one. Then he thanked God for Mommy, Daddy, brother, sister, Grandma, Grandpa, and all his aunts and uncles. Then he began to thank God for the food. He gave thanks for the turkey, the dressing, the fruit salad, the cranberry sauce, the pies, and the cakes, even the Cool Whip.

Then he paused, and everyone waited--and waited. After a long silence, the young fellow looked up at his mother and asked, "If I thank God for the broccoli, won't he know that I'm lying?"

Text: 1 Corinthians 9:1-27

We have just finished a chapter on the idol meat, and Christian liberty and freedom. The principle went something like this! If you saw a steak that was marked down very cheaply and one that was full price, and you checked on the reason, you would to find out that it was cheap because it had been offered to an idol. In the ancient days, the people thought the food had demons in it and the only way to cleanse it was to offer it to the gods or idols.

Well, you knew that there was nothing to an idol, so you started to buy the cheap meat when all of a sudden a weaker Christian comes up and mentions his disdain of the idolatry system and how he had been saved out of it.

You know it will hurt his faith if you buy the idol steak so instead, you pay full price so as not to hurt him. That is called not abusing your Christian liberty. That is what Paul does here in this chapter. He is showing how he lived what he preached so that he could win as many to Christ as possible!

This chapter gives an illustration from Paul's own life of the principle of 1 Cor. 8:13. He did not take advantage of the rightful privileges he had as an apostle.-Ryrie Study Notes

13 Wherefore, if meat ...

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