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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Hebrews 13:1-25
This content is part of a series.

Live Out What You Believe In (28 of 29)
Series: Once and For All
Bob Ingle
Hebrews 13

For the last time in this series, let me say open your bibles to the book of Hebrews. Hebrews 13.

Yesterday, I fished for about 3 hours. That's not breaking news. What makes it different is that it was 35 degrees with intermittent times of rain & sleet. I would guess the vast majority of you would ask why? Why would I fish when it's freezing cold with ice falling from the sky? Because I love it. I'm passionate about it. The weather conditions don't change how I feel about fishing or dictate whether or not I'm going to fish. It might change how I prepare to fish. Or how I go about fishing. But the conditions aren't going to stop me. Are there other weather conditions I prefer and enjoy more? Sure. But if I waited for perfect conditions I wouldn't fish much.

Now, if someone would have called and said, 'Hey Bob, want to go golf?' I'd say, 'Are you crazy? It's too cold.' Or if someone said, 'Bob, do you want to play softball?' I'd say, 'Have you checked the weather? No way!' The weather is the same, so what's different? Me. I'm just not as passionate inwardly about golf and softball. I'm not willing to sacrifice for those.

We've been in the last part of Hebrews for a while. The writer compares the daily Christian life to a race. A grueling marathon. Sometimes there are conditions that make it more challenging. Sometimes there are sacrifices that must be made. Sometimes it painful and you wish things were different. But you don't quit. You don't give up. You don't stop and wait for the conditions and circumstances to be more favorable and start running again. Why? Because you're passionate about it. This is what you were saved for. This is what you were made for. This is what you were gifted for. This is why you're still here. To run for Christ. To run with Christ. To run to Christ. And one day when the race is finally over and you see Jesus face to fac ...

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