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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Hebrews 12:18-29
This content is part of a series.

Shaken or Unshakeable (27 of 29)
Series: Once and For All
Bob Ingle
Hebrews 12:18-29

Open your bibles to Hebrews 12. At the end of every service after the message, we have what we call internally a 'response' song. It's a time for those who have heard the message to internalize what they have heard from God's Word and respond however the Lord leads. Some of you respond by quickly leaving trying to be first to your kids, or car, or restaurant. That's obviously not the response we're hoping for. Sometimes the response is joyful worship. Sometimes it is genuine repentance. Sometimes it's a cry for salvation. Sometimes it's a response of commitment and surrender. But anytime we hear the Word of God there is to be a response that says, "I've heard you God, and this is what I'm going to do about it." We are not to just be hearers of the Word, but doers of the Word. That's what Jesus meant when He said, "Whoever has ears to hear should hear." God's Word demands a response.

We have come to the second half of Hebrews 12. It's the writer's call for a response to all that he's written to them. He's saying, 'In light of all I've said, how will you respond?' Yes, there is another chapter, but it's more like a P.S. (postscript) at the end of a letter. Do you ever forget to mention something or just want to mention one last thing or two, so you throw in a P.S. at the end? That's what chapter 13 seems to be. But v18-29 are the climatic end of this letter. The writer is calling for a response.

Now remember this church consists of people like ours. There are some who are saved and need encouragement to keep being faithful and obedient. There are some who are believers who are living in disobedience. They need to respond to God's Word with heartfelt repentance and get back on track. Then there are others who are in church, but not of the church. They are lost. They have not trusted Christ as Lord. They need to respond by believing the gospel, calling o ...

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