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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Romans 12:2
This content is part of a series.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life (1 of 4)
Real. Messy. New.
Craig Smith
Romans 12:2

We're starting a new series today called Real Messy New, and I want to begin our time together today by being really real with you, and it's going to be a little messy, so stick with me. A couple of years ago, in the middle of the pandemic, something happened to me that I didn't think would ever happen: I had a little bit of a mental and emotional crisis. The pressure of trying to figure out what to do in a season of unprecedented uncertainty, of trying to make everyone happy in a season of unprecedented division, and of trying to stay focused on our mission as a church in a season of unprecedented was just too much. And on the outside, I looked like I was handling it fine, but inside, I was struggling. And one night I got an email about how I had fallen short and seriously disappointed yet another member of the congregation...and again, I'm just being really real with you today...I got that email and I broke down. You've heard of the straw that broke the camel's back? Well, that was the email that broke the pastor's back. And let me be clear: there wasn't anything wrong with that email. There was something wrong with me.

Now I'm incredibly fortunate that I have an amazing wife who really loves me and who has a lot of wisdom and she did something very wise that I'm very grateful for: she called my executive leadership team and they all came over to my house that night and they prayed over me and they encouraged me and maybe most importantly, they loved me. And because of their support, I was able to start the process of picking up the pieces and figuring out how to move forward.

And listen: I'm really embarrassed to tell you that happened to me, because I never thought I would experience a crisis like that. But I'm sharing it with you today, because there's three things I want you to know:[CS1]

1. First, I want you to know that you're not alone[ ...

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