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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Luke 12:13-34
This content is part of a series.

Getting Free from Worry (4 of 4)
Real. Messy. New.
Craig Smith
Luke 12:13-34

I want to talk to you today about getting out from under the weight of worry. And just so we're on the same page, let's define worry this way: Worry is the act of letting what's out of our hands take control our minds. It's allowing things we have no control over to exert control over us.

And let me just be real with you. Even though I consider myself a man of faith and even though I believe God has given me a certain gift of faith, worry is something I struggle with on a regular basis. But I think I came by it naturally. My dad was a worrier, but his dad was at another level. My grandfather, George Arnold Smith, was a world-class worrier. He also struggled his whole adult life with stomach ulcers and everybody in my family said it was because of how much he worried. I wasn't sure that was really true, so I looked it up and what studies have found is that worry doesn't directly cause stomach ulcers, but it does inhibit the body's ability to deal with infections in the stomach lining, which leads to ulcers. So my family was pretty much right: he worried so much, it gave him long-term stomach problems. Worry can have a profound impact on our lives. In fact, I heard someone say once that worry fills the future with fear and robs the present of peace.

But we all struggle with it, right?
- How many of us have ever worried about our finances?
- How many of us have ever worried about our jobs?
- How many of us worry about what might happen to our kids? About having kids? About getting married?
- How many of us worry about the next presidential election?
- How many of us worry about how many draft picks the Broncos gave up for Russell Wilson?
- How many of us are worried about this Chinese spy balloon that's over the country? Good news, it was shot down this weekend.

Why don't you turn to somebody near you and just say "sometimes things that are out of my hands get control ...

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