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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20
This content is part of a series.

God the Son (3 of 5)
Josh Malone
Colossians 1:15-20

We make a big deal about Jesus around here don't we? - I mean if you had never heard the name of Jesus ... knew nothing ... and you walked in off the street to a service like this one you'd think ... "Who is this Jesus? I mean they sing songs to Him! They called Him in that one song their Living Hope! They pray in His name ... what's that mean? What is all the fuss about?" - At least that's what I hope ... I hope that if someone walks in and has never heard the name of Jesus they'd think ... "Wow, who is this Jesus? They sure make a big deal of him around here."

- Just let that sit for a second. - We sing songs to a man who lived 2,000 years ago in the Middle East. We pray in the name of this man who started out as a carpenter ... became a traveling preacher ... was crucified ... died a criminal's death. - And we sing songs to Him! We pray in His name! - Thin how STRANGE this must be to an UNBELIEVER ... especially to one who has never heard the rest of the story. - Let that sit for a second.

Friends we SING to Him ... we PRAY in His name ... we WORSHIP Him. We TRUST Him. We OBEY Him. - Because He's more than just a man who was born, lived, and crucified 2,000 years ago. - We do these things because He's GOD THE SON. He's the very Eternal Son of God who came to save us. He has risen from the dead. He is the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us. - Friends, He is WORTHY!

Today in our series on the Trinity, we turn our attention to the Second Person of the Trinity ... God the Son. - We believe and teach here that God the Son has come to earth, taken on human flesh to redeem sinner ... We believe and teach that God the Son is none other than the man from Galilee, Jesus of Nazareth, the Lord Jesus Christ.
- You can be wrong about a lot of things in life ... we can't be wrong about the Son.
- Most heresies that we come across that try and use the Bible or some version of it in some way ...

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