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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Ephesians 2:4-10
This content is part of a series.

Our Before-and-After Story
Series: WHO AM I?
Tim Badal
Ephesians 2:4-10

Please turn in your Bibles to the book of Ephesians. We'll be in Ephesians 2 this morning. For the next couple of months we'll be looking at this age-old question: who am I? We've been learning how we, as Christ followers, can understand that through Christ, we have a new identity that reorders, restructures, reorients and redefines everything about our identity. No longer do we need to live like the world by defining ourselves by our status, the stuff we have, our skin color, our sexual orientation or the struggles we face. Instead, because of Christ, we now can identify ourselves by our Savior and the salvation we have in Him. It's because of Christ that we now have a foundation and standing that establishes our worldview, our self-image and our outlook on life. Who am I is a three-word question that you and I must be able to answer.

If we don't know who we are, then the culture of this world will have us all worked up, questioning everything about ourselves. As a result we'll go down all manner of bunny trails, looking for things that are ultimately lies. But God, in His grace and goodness, has given us the book of Ephesians so we can know who we are because He has established our true identity in Christ. Through the first three chapters of Ephesians we can come to understand who are. Then in chapters four through six, based on what we learned in the first three chapters, we are taught how we are to live in light of this truth. Because of who we are in Christ, it tells us how we are to live as married people, as single people, as parents and children, as employers and employees. It helps us understand how we ought to live in the good times and the bad times, how we ought to live as citizens, and how we ought to live with our enemies and with those we love. If we don't know who we are, then we'll have no idea how we ought to live in all of life's circumstances and we'll inevita ...

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