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by Roger Thomas

Scripture: Galatians 6:1-3, Romans 12:3-5, Philippians 2:3-5

The Path to Healthy Relationships
Roger Thomas
Galatians 6:1-3, Romans 12:3-5, Philippians 2:3-5

Introduction: Good News: Life is about relationships. Bad News: Life is about relationships. The greatest blessings and the greatest heartaches comes from the people around us.

In a classic Peanuts comic strip, Linus tells his big sister Lucy that he wants to be a doctor when he grows up. The always encouraging Lucy knocks the props right out from under little Linus. You can't be a doctor. You don't love mankind. Linus immediately counters, I do too love mankind; its people I can't stand.

Most of us have felt that way. If there were no people problems, we would have no problems.

A schoolteacher friend had a plaque in her kitchen that every teacher should have. In fact, I'll bet some of our school teachers do. Underneath a desk with a big red teacher's apple were emblazoned the words: the top three reasons for being a teacher-June, July, and August. I've heard many a college professor say, "Teaching would be the perfect occupation except for one thing-students." I even known preachers to observe that the only problem with church work is church members.

Some people problems are understandable. Did you hear about the guy who didn't want to go home from work at quitting time? He asked the boss if he could work late. "Sure, but I can't pay you over time," the boss told him. "That's OK," he replied, "I just don't want to go home." "Why not," was the obvious question. He explained that he was in the doghouse. "What did you do to deserve that?" asked the boss. He explained, "I still don't know, it must be one of those woman things. I was minding my own business relaxing in front of the TV. My wife enters the room and asks, "What's on the TV?" And honestly, I swear all I said was, "Dust!" She's been mad ever since!"

Some people problems are harder to understand. It can even happen at church. When I think of silly church squabbles I alw ...

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