Your Bucket List
Series: Walking Among the Giants
Roger Thomas
1 Corinthians 13
What's on your bucket list? You know what I mean. That's the "to do list" of things you want to accomplish before you "kick the bucket." Visit every state, go to the Holy Land, run a marathon, or jump out of airplane with or without a parachute (your call!)? You probably have a bucket list-be it unspoken or known to everybody around you. What's on yours? Let me suggest another kind of bucket list. Rather than a list of things you want to do or places you want to see, what would be on your list of what you want to be or become before you leave this earth? Hold that thought . . .
We are in a series of Sunday messages I am calling "walking among the giants," a brief tour of some of the greatest passages from the Bible. Have you ever walked into a place that so overwhelmed you that you could only stand in silence and maybe quietly whisper "Wow!" Some old churches, especially great stone cathedrals, create that sense of awe. That's why they had such soaring spires and high arched sanctuaries. Such spaces were designed to make you feel small.
Nature has places like that, too. I have seen Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, Denali/Mt. McKinley, sunrise over the Atlantic, the recent solar eclipse. My response to each was quiet wonder. Wow! That's how I felt as I walked among the giant Redwoods of Northern California. WOW!
That's the awe we feel when we come to certain passages of Scripture. We know we have happened upon something special. These are WOW passages. If I had asked you to write down your favorite passages in the Bible, I am confident that these giants would be on most of your lists. Today's is no exception. 1 Cor. 13, NIV.
If you are married, this passage was likely read at your wedding. Many know it as the love chapter. You have heard at least parts of this passage many times. It is the stuff of Valentine messages and Hallmark cards ...
Series: Walking Among the Giants
Roger Thomas
1 Corinthians 13
What's on your bucket list? You know what I mean. That's the "to do list" of things you want to accomplish before you "kick the bucket." Visit every state, go to the Holy Land, run a marathon, or jump out of airplane with or without a parachute (your call!)? You probably have a bucket list-be it unspoken or known to everybody around you. What's on yours? Let me suggest another kind of bucket list. Rather than a list of things you want to do or places you want to see, what would be on your list of what you want to be or become before you leave this earth? Hold that thought . . .
We are in a series of Sunday messages I am calling "walking among the giants," a brief tour of some of the greatest passages from the Bible. Have you ever walked into a place that so overwhelmed you that you could only stand in silence and maybe quietly whisper "Wow!" Some old churches, especially great stone cathedrals, create that sense of awe. That's why they had such soaring spires and high arched sanctuaries. Such spaces were designed to make you feel small.
Nature has places like that, too. I have seen Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, Denali/Mt. McKinley, sunrise over the Atlantic, the recent solar eclipse. My response to each was quiet wonder. Wow! That's how I felt as I walked among the giant Redwoods of Northern California. WOW!
That's the awe we feel when we come to certain passages of Scripture. We know we have happened upon something special. These are WOW passages. If I had asked you to write down your favorite passages in the Bible, I am confident that these giants would be on most of your lists. Today's is no exception. 1 Cor. 13, NIV.
If you are married, this passage was likely read at your wedding. Many know it as the love chapter. You have heard at least parts of this passage many times. It is the stuff of Valentine messages and Hallmark cards ...
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