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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 40:1-23, Genesis 41:1-57
This content is part of a series.

An Enduring Faith (50)
Robert Dawson
Genesis 40-41

A young woman sang a solo in front of a large audience. The performance was flawless. Pitch was perfect. Vocal technique was excellent. Range was impressive. The vocal gymnastics were amazing. Seated in the audience for her performance was the song's writer and composer. After her performance someone leaned over and asked the writer, "What did you think of her performance?" He replied, "It was wonderful, but she will be really great when something breaks her heart."

In Scripture and much of Christian history, those believers whose songs, whose lives, captivated and inspired us, were those who endured some of the greatest heartbreaks and faced some of life's darkest disappointments.

They spent time walking in the shadow of "a frowning providence" (W. Cowper).

A.W. Tozer wrote, "It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply." A disheartening statement. A true statement.

One of the men God hurt deeply and used greatly was Joseph. For two decades Joseph's life appeared to be nothing more than a series of unfortunate events. Because Scripture gives us insight into what God was doing and a glimpse at the bigger picture, we know that while Joseph's life was a series of unfortunate events it was also a series of divinely orchestrated events that would accomplish God's greater purposes on behalf of His people.

What God was doing to Joseph, in Joseph, and through Joseph, was not really about Joseph, but God's redemptive plan for His people, not just Joseph's family but all who would come into a personal relationship with Him through faith in His Son Jesus Christ.

As we pick back up with Joseph's life, he is still walking in the shadows of that "frowning providence." In our message today...
- We will cover a lot of ground, in scripture, two chapters, and in years of Joseph's life.
- I am going to walk us through the story. It should be familiar to many. As always, ...

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