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by Roger Thomas

Scripture: Romans 8:28
This content is part of a series.

God Is Good All the Time!
Series: Walking Among the Giants
Roger Thomas
Romans 8:28

Today I am concluding our "walk among the giants." For the last few weeks, we have been looking at some of our favorite passages of scripture. While the entire Bible is important and beneficial, we all have special passages that just seem to stand head and shoulders above the rest. Today's verse happens to be my personal favorite. That's why I have saved it for last.

As always, I want to read our verse it in its larger context. Romans 8:28-39. Verse 28 one more time! "In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
. . .
Romans 8:28 is an anchor for the soul. If our lives were ships at sea, tossed by the waves and the wind, this verse would hold us steady, safe and secure! Everyone in this room has weathered some storms in life. Some more than others. I am no exception. I have lived with financial struggles, failures and disappointments, family struggles, health issues, the death of loved ones; on and on the list could go. Some of you have been through a lot worse. Some have lost spouses or children. A few have battled long-term illness. A number have lost jobs, careers, and dreams. A few of you may be in the middle of some rough storms right now.

It doesn't even have to be a big storm. A series of smaller troubles, one right after the other, can seem unrelenting and overwhelming. Who of us hasn't asked the question-why does life have to be so hard? Romans 8:28 doesn't answer that question. It offers something better. It gives us an anchor, something to hold onto in the midst of the storm. Here's the promise-God is good even when life isn't.

I want to try something a bit different today. African-American preachers often use a style of speaking termed "call and response." The audience is expected to participate. The preacher says something and the congregation repeats his words o ...

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