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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-3
This content is part of a series.

Are You a Cancer Survivor? (4 of 17)
Tim Badal
Ephesians 2:1-3

Please turn to the book of Ephesians, where we'll be in chapter two this morning. It's a great opportunity to open God's Word together. We're looking at this book under the heading of this elementary and foundational question that people have been asking for millennia: "Who am I?" In this postmodern, post-truth culture, this question has never been more important than it is today. Where do I find my identity? What are the things that define who I am? In this culture today that defines people by the status of where they find themselves in their lives, by the stuff they have, by the color of their skin, by their sexuality or the struggles they face, we recognize that now more than ever we need to know how God, our Creator, identifies who we are.

A cursory look at the Scriptures will tell us that the Bible defines and identifies us in one of two ways. We are either in Adam-that is, we are still in sinful rebellion against God and His revealed commands regarding how we ought to live-or we are in Christ, having bowed the knee in submission to His Lordship, receiving His forgiveness for our sins and now living in accordance with His words. We're one or the other.

The book of Ephesians is written to a group of believers who are in Christ. Twenty-five different times Paul writes that they are "in Christ" or "in Him." This letter is written to people who have been saved by the grace of God, but who are also living in a world that is searching for its identity. It can be hard at times for those who are in Christ to keep living in Christ when people all around them are living for themselves in their sin. We too can learn from this letter what it means to live holy and blameless lives to the praise of God's glorious grace amidst the ways our world lives. Paul will continue to remind us who we are in Christ and how we ought to live in light of our position.

If we imagine ...

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