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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 2:23-25
This content is part of a series.

Unsaved Believers (68 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 2:23-25
Pastor Jeff Schreve

Well, it was the year 1824 when a boy was born. He was a Frenchman. From a very early age, he had an aptitude for acrobatics. I was reading about his life and they said when he was four-years-old he put some kind of an apparatus, a little rope that he could walk on in-between the couches, or something like that, and he had just tremendous balance. Well, he used that as he got older. He wasn't a big man. He was about 5'5" tall. He was about 140 lbs. But he was incredible in terms of balance. And so, he was a tightrope walker. He made his living wowing the crowd on a tightrope. He went by the name Charles Blondin. He was called "Blondin the Great." And he came to America. He was in Europe. He came to America to walk across on a tightrope Niagara Falls. Now, he didn't just walk across on a tightrope like you see some people do. This guy did all kinds of weird things on the tightrope. We have some pictures of Charles Blondin. That's him going across the tightrope on stilts. If you don't think it's hard enough, there's a picture of him, and he put in the middle of the tightrope a table and had some beverage there. He got thirsty in his walk, and he sat down on a chair on the tightrope. There's one with him on his head on the tightrope across Niagara Falls. One with a sack over his head so he couldn't see. Another with a man on his back. Well, one day, across the tightrope, he pushed a wheelbarrow. And people would just cheer. This is amazing stuff. You know, people showed up, obviously, to see that he could do it. And probably some were thinking, I wonder if he's going to die. Ah, don't want to miss that. So they would watch with anticipation. Well, he pushed the wheelbarrow across the tightrope, and then he pushed it back, and the crowd was cheering. And he said to the crowd, "Do you believe that I can push this wheelbarrow across the tightrope?" And they said, "Yes, yes, ye ...

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