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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 2:13-22
This content is part of a series.

Zeal for the House (67 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 2:13-22
Pastor Jeff Schreve

Well, you know, at the start of the year we began a Wednesday night series on the Gospel of John. I called it, And the Word Became Flesh. We got up to the miracle, Jesus' first miracle at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, and that was the last message I got to preach on the Gospel of John. So, I want to pick up where we left off for tonight, and I want to talk about Zeal for the House.

You know, everyone can relate, in some degree or another, to this thing called passion. Passion is defined in the dictionary as "A strong emotion, a powerful and compelling feeling about something or someone." Now, many of us have a passion about football. Who would say you're kind of passionate about football? Okay. You're a bunch of liars. I mean, there was like three hands that went up. It's like we're passionate in this part of the country, especially about football. There's been lots of stuff going on with the coronavirus. Are teams going to play football? I'm so glad that the Big 12 and the SEC said, "We're playing football. You guys can stay at home, but we're going to play football." If you're a Pac-12 fan, or a Big 10 fan, they said they're not playing football. So, people that are passionate about football, they're pretty disappointed if their conference has decided that they're not going to play. So, a lot of us are passionate about football. Or maybe we're passionate about our particular school. We get passionate about our alma mater. Some people are passionate about business. Some people are passionate about winning, like when they play Monopoly. Have you ever been like that? I'm like that. I want to win, you know. We can get passionate about different things. Many people - we're in the political season - they're passionate about their candidate. They're passionate about their party. They're passionate about this issue and that issue. Then, you find some people who are pass ...

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