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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 1:35-51
This content is part of a series.

The World's Greatest Discovery (65 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 1:35-51
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John, chapter 1. We want to talk tonight about The World's Greatest Discovery.

In 1976, Campus Crusade for Christ conferences, now known as Cru, were led by Bill Bright, who was the founder of the organization. Bill Bright was very evangelistic, always looking for opportunities to share Christ and lead people to faith in Christ. Bright was the one that wrote the Four Spiritual Laws - that little booklet that has been reproduced billions of times and has been used to lead untold millions and millions of people to faith in Christ. Well, they came up with an evangelistic campaign, a strategy, that they presented to 246 cities. They had 15,000 churches that got involved as well as 300,000 volunteers. And it was a very simple campaign. They made buttons that people wore, they had billboards, and they had bumper stickers. It was just three words. It said, "I Found It!" Some of you may remember that, "I Found It!" with an exclamation point. They would go door to door to talk to people and say, "Hey, I wanted to tell you that I found it," with the hopes of the people saying, "You found what?" And the answer, "I found a new life in Jesus Christ." It's another way of saying, "I have made the world's greatest discovery because I have found what life is all about. I found a relationship with Jesus Christ."

Now, in the Book of John, John's presenting the case in his gospel. His gospel is written after Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It was written in the 90's A.D. and he is making the case that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. He wants you to believe so that you can have life in His name. He is wearing a button, so to speak, that says, "I Found It, and I want you to find it, too."

We all come into this world with a desire to "find it," but we don't know what "it" is. And so, we know that we want to have joy, we want to have pe ...

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