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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 1:4-14
This content is part of a series.

What Have You Done With the Light? (62 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 1:4-14
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John, chapter 1. I want to speak to you tonight on a message I've entitled, What Have You Done With The Light?

When I was 37-years-old, I had Lasik surgery and I remember when I got Lasik surgery, my eyes were really bad. I could barely read the E on the eye chart. And the doctor said, "Now listen! I can give you monovision which will help you later in life to still be able to read." Monovision is when one eye was not as sharp distance-wise as the other eye, so that I could read and the other eye was sharp on distance. They said, "That will buy you a few more years, but you just need to know this." I was 37-years-old when I had it done. They said, "Somewhere in your 40's you're going to need to have reading glasses. Because if you do the research, you'll find that between 40 and 60 your eyes change in terms of close-up vision, and things that you read start to get more and more fuzzy." How many people in here are over 40 and have to wear reading glasses? Okay, a lot of you. All right. They said my monovision was going to just not work after about age 45. I'm 57 and it still works, but here's the caveat: I need a lot of light. If I don't have a lot of light, I can't see. Debbie and I were doing a marriage conference for Family Life a few years ago, and the ballroom was pretty dark. I got up on Friday. We were doing our run-through just a few hours before the conference and there's a lot of stuff in the manual. It's two and a half days' worth of material. There's no way I could memorize that stuff. I couldn't see it because it was dark. I told the guy that was running the conference, "You have got to get light on the podium; otherwise, I'm not going to be able to do this." Debbie would always tease me, and she said, "Well, you know, if you wore reading glasses you wouldn't need the light." I said, "Yeah, but if I ha ...

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