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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 1:1-5
This content is part of a series.

In the Beginning (61 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 1:1-5
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to the gospel of John, John, chapter 1. As I mentioned, we're starting a new series tonight. We're going to go verse-by-verse through the gospel of John. And if you are someone who has read through the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, you'll know that Matthew, Mark, and Luke are very similar. They oftentimes talk about the same story. And they might give a little different perspective, but many times, they're just talking about the same things, and that's why theologians call Matthew, Mark, and Luke the synoptic gospels. The word synoptic means "seeing the same." And so, they see the same things. John is totally different from Matthew, Mark, and Luke. John doesn't see the same things. Someone has said, "Well, Matthew, Mark, and Luke speak more of the earthly life of Jesus, and John speaks more of the heavenly life of Jesus." The gospel of John has been called the Holy of Holies as far as the gospels go because they give you insight into the life of the Lord Jesus that we wouldn't know any other way. Ninety percent of the material in John is not found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. As I was studying one of the examples that they gave was all four gospels talk about the feeding of the five thousand. The feeding of the five thousand is the feeding of five thousand men, plus women and children, probably the feeding of the twenty thousand. But Matthew, Mark, and Luke all tell us about the story. John tells us not only about the story, but about the sermon that Jesus spoke concerning Himself being the bread of life.

John has different words that he loves to use. He uses the word love fifty-seven times in the gospel of John. He uses the word truth twenty-seven times in the gospel of John. He uses the word life forty-seven times, Light, twenty-three times. and believe, seventy-four times. And when you put all those things together, John is ...

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