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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 8:12-20
This content is part of a series.

The Light of the World (59 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 8:12-20
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 8. We want to talk tonight about The Light of the World.

In the year, 2001 if I remember correctly, a friend of mine came to me and said, "Jeff, I want to do something for you. I want to give you a gift." And the gift he wanted to give me was Lasik surgery. My eyesight was really bad, and I wore contacts from the time I was in 10th grade, and never liked to wear glasses, so I always wore contacts. And contacts worked pretty well until I started getting some eye infections in 2001. So, I had to go to glasses. My friend Mark said, "I want to do this. My wife and I want to do this for you." And he was going to take me to the best guy. You know, when it comes to getting Lasik surgery, you don't want to go to the guy that's got the super deal, because it's like, "I want to go to the guy that's going to do a good job." And so, I had Lasik surgery. And they told me when I had it, they said, "Now, you're in your 30's, but you're going to need reading glasses probably by the time you get to your mid 40's." Well, I thought, I hope not. You know, I had this done. And so, I hit my mid-40's. All through my 40's didn't need reading glasses, and everything was good. And then I get into my 50's. Everything is good. And in the last couple of years things aren't as good. It's not as clear when I read. And so, one of the things I noticed early on is, in order to read, I need lots of light. Has anybody ever noticed that - you need more light as you get older to read?

I was at a Family Life Conference, and Debbie and I were getting ready for that. There's a manual you go through at those marriage conferences. There's a lot of material. It's not memorized. It's, "Okay. Look at your book on page 12. You know, we're going to do this." It was dark in the ballroom. And I thought, man, I'm in serious trouble because there's not enough l ...

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