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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 7:10-31
This content is part of a series.

A Good Man, a Bad Man, or the God-Man? (56 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 7:10-31
Pastor Jeff Schreve

It was in the 1800's when a Scottish preacher who went by the name of Rabbi John Duncan, introduced the concept of a trilemma as it relates to the Lord Jesus. He said, "You have three choices when it comes to Jesus." He said, "You can say He's a deceiver, a conscious fraud, or He is deceived, or He is God." That was introduced in the 1800's. In the 1900's, Watchman Nee, in his book called Normal Christian Faith, said the very same thing. There are three people that Jesus can be. Either He is a conscious fraud, a deceiver, or He's deceived, or He is the Son of God like He says He is. It was C. S. Lewis who really popularized this in the 20th century, and he came up with three words starting with L - Liar, Lord, or Lunatic. Said, "Jesus is either a liar who said He was the Son of God but knew He wasn't. He was a lunatic who thought He was the Son of God but who really wasn't. I mean, He's just some kind of insane person. Or He is Lord. He is the Son of God like He claims to be.

Now, in John chapter 7 we're going to see this trilemma appear in the minds of the people. And so, if you remember, it's the time for the big feast. There were three big feasts in Jerusalem, where the people from all over, the Jews, had to come back to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast. The first one is Passover. That happens. We're in Passover week right now. Our Eastertime is Passover time. That was end of March, first of April. So, that was the first great feast, Passover feast. And then, fifty days after Passover you have Pentecost. Everybody had to come back for Pentecost. And then, in October you have the Feast of Booths, or the Feast of Tabernacles, or the Feast of In-gathering. All those things were the same thing. It was like a harvest feast. And the Lord said, "You come back, and you celebrate in this feast; you celebrate the fact that I provided for My ...

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