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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 7:1-9
This content is part of a series.

Time vs. Timing (55 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 7:1-9
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 7. I want to talk to you tonight on the issue of time. I've entitled this message, Time vs. Timing.

I was 33 years old when God called me to preach. He called me on a Wednesday night in July of 1995 at Champion Forest Baptist Church. My friend, Rich Holcombe was preaching, and it was very, very clear. The Lord really spoke to my heart and said, "This is what I want for you to do." I'd been praying about it for a long time, but it became very clear on that night. And I remember talking to my pastor, and I said, "I think the Lord's called me to preach." And he said, "Well, Jeff, a call to preach is a call to prepare." He said, "You need to go to seminary." I was like, "I don't really want to do that," because I'm 33 years old and I just felt like that was going to set me back, and I needed to move forward. Plus that was going to be a big adjustment to go to seminary and resign my job and move my family and all those things. I said, "Well, I was just hoping that there would be a big church somewhere that would want me. They heard that I got called in the ministry." And he said, "Yeah, it doesn't work like that." I said to myself, "Well, Lord, it would have been so much better if You had called me when I was in college, praying about this, because then I would have been a young guy, and I could have gone straight from college to seminary, and then I wouldn't be an old fossil at 33. I have a wife and three kids, and now it's hard to do these things." But, you know, I was looking at time, and God was looking at timing. And God's timing is always impeccable. It's always perfect. We get hung up on time. We want things quickly. And God is not a God that moves like that. Now, when God gets ready to move, He moves rapidly. But from our perspective, before He moves, it's very slow. You know, the, the refrain in Psalms is, "How long, ...

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