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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 6:41-71
This content is part of a series.

Stumbling Over the Bread of Life (54 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 6:41-71
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 6. We're going through the gospel of John. And chapter 6 is a long chapter, 71 verses, so we've been in chapter 6 for a good while now, and we're going to finish that up tonight.

So, I have a question to begin with: How many in this room say that you have a weakness when it comes to bread? Anybody like that? All right. You know, there are different restaurants that serve unlimited bread at the tables. We have a weakness with bread. If you go to Texas Roadhouse they have some pretty good rolls there. And Longhorn has good bread. Dixie Diner has good bread. Debbie and I were in Houston last week. When we visit my daughter Amy and her husband Travis, we like to go to this restaurant called Maribellas. It's real close to Lakewood Church. They have the best bread there. It's just this big circle loaf. You have to fast before you go there; otherwise, you're in trouble. So, I had quite a bit of bread, and then I ordered the chicken parm, which is kind of like ordering a boat anchor. It's carb overload when you go to some of those Italian restaurants.

Well, bread is an important staple item in the world's food sources. From the time of recorded history, bread has been critical. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." But he needs bread to live. When God took care of His people in the wilderness, He fed them manna, which is bread from heaven. The Bible says, "Men did the bread of angels." You need bread. I know there are lots of diets out that say stay away from carbs, stay away from bread, but you need that in your diet because that gives you energy. And so, that's what they ate in the wilderness for forty years. They ate manna from heaven that God gave them, which was bread.

Well, in the gospel of John, John chapter 6, there is a sermon that ...

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