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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 6:14-30
This content is part of a series.

False Followers and True Disciples (52 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 6:14-30
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 6. We want to talk about False Followers and True Disciples.

Now, on the very famous Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, chapter 7, Jesus talked about two roads. He talked about the narrow road that leads to life, and the broad road that leads to destruction. He said few find the narrow road, and many enter the broad road. In the ministry of Jesus, you'll find that there were huge crowds that followed after Him. I mean, there would just be a crush of people wanting to hear Him, wanting to see what He would do, wanting to experience for themselves in their own eyes the miracles of healing, of casting out demons, of raising the dead, as He did all those things. And in the crowds, in those big crowds, you would have some true disciples, and then you would have many false followers, many people that were just part of the crowd. I hear some of these guys with big churches saying, "You know, the way to do church is the way Jesus did. And you have this big attraction or model, and you attract all these people. We're doing it all wrong, because Jesus would attract all these people, and we're repelling all these people."

Well, in John chapter 6, Jesus is going to lose the crowd. John chapter 6 is kind of a dividing point in His ministry in Galilee because He let the crowd know that you got to get off the fence. "You're either going to be following Me genuinely, truly, or you need to not follow Me at all." We know that when Jesus rose from the dead, He didn't have a huge following of people. In Acts, chapter 1, there were 120 in the upper room praying. So, where were the thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of followers? They were false followers. They were people on the broad road, not true disciples on the narrow road.

Well, here's the big question: How can you tell the true from the fals ...

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