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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 6:1-14
This content is part of a series.

When Little Becomes Much (51 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 6:1-14
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 6. We want to look at an account tonight in the Scripture of a great miracle. It is the one miracle, other than the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that's recorded in all four gospels. It is the feeding of the five thousand.

Now, the story behind the feeding of the five thousand is one that creates the situation, the backdrop, of a problem. There were lots of people and nothing to feed them with. You know, problems are something everybody can understand. Everybody can identify with problems. We have little problems to medium-size problems to big problems. You know, you have a little problem where you're in a rush for something and you can't find your car keys. If that ever happens to you, that might be a little problem. But it becomes a big problem if you're going to miss an airplane or something like that. But we have all kinds of problems. And everyone in this room, you could recount some problems that you face just today. We have problems in marriage. We have problems in family. We have problems in finances. We have problems with our physical health. That's just the way it goes in this world. Job 5:7 says, "Man is born for trouble as sparks fly upward." No one leads a problem-free, trouble-free life.

We shared Sunday Psalm 73 about the psalm that's really a cry of frustration for the Christian, because he looks out at the people that don't follow God, and they seem to be happy and whole, and they all have all this money, but that's from the outside looking in. You don't know. Everybody struggles. Everybody has problems. So, the big question is what are we to do when we're facing, not necessarily a little problem but a big problem, a big, massive problem? How are we to proceed when we're facing that? And in the story tonight, the Bible gives us the answer to that question.

John chapter 6. We'll begin re ...

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