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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 5:16-24
This content is part of a series.

A Declaration of Deity (48 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 5:16-24
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John, chapter 5. I want you to think of something with me. What is the greatest question in all of life? The most important question in all of life? You know, if we were to shout out, we'd probably have some different questions. But if you think about it, the greatest question in all of life is this question: who is Jesus? Who is Jesus? Is Jesus God in the flesh, or is Jesus just a teacher like Buddha and like Confucius and like Gandhi? Is Jesus somebody that was made up; He's just a legend? You know, I think it was C.S. Lewis that came up with the phrase, "Who is Jesus? He's either a liar who said He was the Son of God and wasn't, or He's a lunatic who thought He was the Son of God and wasn't, or He was the Son of God." Liar, Lord, or lunatic. And someone said, "Well, there's a fourth possibility. He's a legend. He never really existed at all. He was just totally made up." George Barna did a survey of a cross-section of America, and the survey was called this: "Man, Myth, or God; who is Jesus?" And based on the survey, he found out this: 93% of Americans believe that Jesus existed, not a legend. They believe He was a real person. Even Richard Dawkins had to admit that, it doesn't make much sense if you go back, and look through the history books to say Jesus never existed. That's a pretty feeble argument. So, 93% of Americans say, "Yes, we believe that Jesus truly existed." Fifty-nine percent believe that He's coming again. But only 43% believe that Jesus was God and is God. Who is Jesus? Is He just a man? Is He just a myth? Is He really God? Now, 43% of Americans say, "Well, we believe He's God," which leaves the rest, 57% that say, "We don't believe He's God." Now, 100% of cultists believe that He was not God. He was somehow less than God. That is the mark of every single cult, whether it's Mormons, or whether it's Jehovah's ...

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