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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 4:31-38
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Harvest Time (45 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 4:31-38
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John, chapter 4. We want to talk about Harvest Time. Harvest time is the fun time for farmers. It's when all the planting, plowing, watering, and weeding has yielded a crop. When the rain comes in, and the fruit comes up, you get to pick it; it is ripe. That's a great time to rejoice because the harvest has come. When the Lord would give parables and talk to the disciples and talk to the people, it was an agrarian economy and an agrarian society, so they knew a lot about that. He would use that metaphor quite frequently. He uses it in John, chapter 4 when He's talking to the disciples about what just took place with the woman of Samaria. You know, He met that woman at the well, at Jacob's well in a town called Sychar in Samaria, a very unlikely candidate for the Lord to reveal Himself to. But He said, "Hey, I have a divine appointment. I..." As the Scripture says, "He must go through Samaria." He had to travel through Samaria to meet this woman. He meets this woman. He shares with this woman. The woman receives His witness of who He is. "I who speak to you, am He. I am the Christ," He says to her. She leaves her waterpot. She goes into the town and says, "Come see a man who told me all the things I ever did. This is not the Christ, is it?" They're going to come out and see for themselves.

Then the scene shifts in verse, 27, and the disciples come back. They had been traveling with Jesus to get there. They'd been walking many miles all morning. Jesus gets there at noon. And they go into town to get food. So, Jesus is there by Himself. He has that one-on-one time with the woman of Samaria. Then it says in verse 27, "At this point His disciples came, and they marveled that He had been speaking with the woman, yet no one said, "What do you seek?" or, "Why do You speak with her?" So, the woman left her waterpot and went into the city and ...

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