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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 3:31-36
This content is part of a series.

Jesus on the Witness Stand (43 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 3:31-36
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John, chapter 3. We're going through the Book of John verse by verse. Today, we want to talk about Jesus on the Witness Stand.

When I was home from college one year in between the spring and fall semesters, I was kind of in-between jobs. I remember my dad retired early. He was 55 years old when he retired, and he watched a lot of TV. Back you had shows that, TBN or TNT, one of those stations started airing all these shows from back in the day, and they would air them every day. Well, one of the shows my dad liked a lot was Perry Mason. Perry Mason came on every day at like 10:00 and so in the morning, and so, I spent a lot of time watching Perry Mason with my dad. If you've ever watched Perry Mason, Perry never had a client that was guilty, they never did it. It was always some story. Somebody got killed and you would always try and figure out who did it, because you know the defendant didn't do it because Perry Mason never lost a case. Poor Hamilton Burger never won a case. It was just one of those things. When you would watch Perry Mason, It was almost always they were going to be in the courtroom, and they were going to call to the witness stand some key person. The person would come to the witness stand and they would swear on God's Word, "Do you tell the truth? You swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God." "Yes, I do." Then they would give their testimony.

Well, John likes to use the word witness in his gospel account. He uses it 39 times. Witness, testify - it's the same word. The Greek word is martureo, from which we get our word martyr. When we talk about a martyr, we talk about somebody who is going to be persecuted for his faith, or die for his faith. We get that from the word witness, because so many witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus were killed for their ...

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