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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 3:22-30
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Increase/Decrease (42 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 3:22-30
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John, chapter 3. We want to talk about the last little piece that John talks about John the Baptist. John the apostle talks about John the Baptist. It's the last recorded words of John the Baptist in the gospel of John. We learn other things about John from Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but this is the evangelist John, this is what he writes about John the Baptist. Just by way of introduction, I was 17 years old when I saw that I was a sinner in need of a Savior. I was in my bedroom all by myself. I had just come back from a young life meeting, and a guy shared his testimony, and it really spoke to my heart. When I was alone in my bedroom, God really revealed to me if I died, I wouldn't go to heaven. I had no basis to go to heaven; that I was lost, and I was on the highway to hell. There, all by myself in my bedroom, I got on my knees. I didn't know very much about the Christian life, but I knew Jesus was the Savior. I knew He was God in the flesh. I knew I was a sinner and I needed Him. And so, I asked Him to save me, and He did. I remember it wasn't too long after that that the Lord hooked me up with the Young Life leader in our area. His name was Dave Collins. He's a good friend to this day. Through a series of events, I met him. I remember him asking me the question, "Now, Jeff, have you ever been saved? Have you ever asked Jesus to come into your life and received Him as your Lord and Savior?" I said, "I do that every night," because I didn't know. I figured, man, that was a good prayer. I'd better pray that a lot. And so, I said, "I pray that every night." He said, "Well, you don't have to pray that every night." He said, "Once you pray and receive Christ, then what you need to do is grow." Well, I didn't know anything about spiritual growth. I just knew that I needed to be saved, and Jesus saved me. And, you know, that describes l ...

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