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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 3:19-21
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The Light Test (41 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 3:19-21
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, turn to John, chapter 3. We're going through the Book of John, but we've been looking at the conversation Jesus had with Nicodemus when He talked to Nicodemus one night in and around Jerusalem. And I've entitled this message, The Light Test, L-I-G-H-T.

Now, tests are a part of life, and we know tests well from school, because everybody who goes to school has to prepare for tests. We have been back to school now for several weeks, and the students have, no doubt, had to prepare for tests, whether that's a pop quiz or whether that's a scheduled test. But, you know, sometimes students don't prepare very well. Maybe you were one of those that didn't prepare well, and then you tried to pray well right before the test, "Oh God, have mercy on me, and give me the answers." Well, I ran across some answers that students gave to their test question, hoping for, mercy and grace.

Here is the first one. It is a test question - what ended in 1896? 1895! Now, that's true, but that's probably not what they were looking for.

How about this math question: Find X. Here it is. You can't deny that that guy found X.

How about this one? It says, "Briefly explain hard water." And the guy said, "Ice." Now, I know about hard water because I worked in water treatment for years. So, it has to do with calcium and magnesium and water. But ice is also a possible answer, I guess.

How about this one? I love this one. Tony practices the piano 20 minutes every day. That's the cause. What's the effect? He is a big nerd!

And then, we have this one: To change centimeters to meters, you take out centi. That'll work. Nice try.

Miranda can't see anything when she looks down her microscope. Suggest one reason why. She is blind. Nice try. So, the teacher probably got a kick out of that.

We want to look at the test of Light.

Now, the Lord is giving Nicodemus the ...

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