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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 15:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Where's the Fruit? (40 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 15:1-11
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 15.

Clara Peller was born in 1902. She died in 1987. She was a relatively unknown lady working as a manicurist in Chicago. And, all of a sudden, everything changed in her life when she was 81 years old because she was cast in a commercial that Wendy's did, and people began to know who Clara Peller was because of this commercial and because of a phrase that she said that was sweeping the country in 1984. And the phrase was, "Where's the beef?"

That little phrase, "Where's the beef?" made her a very well-known person back in 1984. Well, we don't want to talk tonight about the question, where's the beef? but we do want to talk about Where's the Fruit?

Now, Jesus is talking to His disciples. This is the last night before He goes to the cross. They've already had the Passover meal that He turned into the Lord's Supper. The last supper becomes the Lord's Supper. The last supper was the Passover meal. He changed it. "This is My body which is given to you. This is My blood which is shed for you." And He teaches them about the Holy Spirit. And then, He tells them, at the end of chapter 14, "Arise, let us go from here." Now, they went from there, the upper room, and they're going to go to the Garden of Gethsemane. That's where He's going to be arrested. And on the way, no doubt, they pass by some grapevines, and Jesus used that as an example to teach His disciples.

He says this in John 15, beginning in verse 1: "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-dresser." He's the farmer. He's the gardener. "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away, and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so ne ...

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