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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 14:21-31
This content is part of a series.

Going Away Presents (39 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 14:21-31
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, turn to John chapter 14. I've entitled the message tonight Going Away Presents.

Now, when Debbie and I first got married, she made it clear to me, just being upfront, a good wife, she said, "Listen! You need to know upfront that every time that there's a special occasion, I need a gift." So, she said, "You know, sometimes you have wives, 'Well, you know, you don't need to get me something.'" She said, "I'm telling you now. It's my birthday, it's Christmas, it's Groundhog Day, you need to get me something." That was helpful to me because one of her love languages is gifts. And so, I knew that she wants a gift. She's never going to say, "Oh, you don't need to get anything." If she ever did say that, I would just know she doesn't mean it. She really wants something. And, you know, guys tend to struggle with Mother's Day. A lot of guys are like, "Well, that's not my mother. You're not my mother." But if you don't get your wife, who's the mother of your children, a Mother's Day gift when you have little kids, you're in the doghouse! That's just how that works.

Well, I found out about a new present. I didn't know anything about this until my daughter Amy, my middle daughter, gave birth to Jack. I have a picture of Jack, of little Jack. He's just the cutest little guy, our first grandson. But she was talking about this thing called a push present. I said, "What in the world is a push present?" She said, "Well, I had to push him out, and Travis needs to get me a present." I said, "There he is right there. That's your push present." She said, "No!" She said, "This is a big deal now, a push present." Husbands get that for their wives. I looked online. You know, the average push present is between a thousand and two thousand dollars, typically jewelry. And so, we didn't have push presents when we were having kids, but I did get Debbie three push pr ...

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