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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: John 14:7-20
This content is part of a series.

Blowing Your Mind (38 of 70)
And The Word Became Flesh
John 14:7-20
Pastor Jeff Schreve

If you have your Bible, please turn to John chapter 14. I want to talk to you tonight about this wonderful passage that we're going to read, a passage that is recorded by John, that took place in the upper room after Jesus had the last supper with His disciples, after He pointed out that Judas was the betrayer, and Satan entered Judas, and Judas left. Judas had time with the eleven, the eleven who were genuine and true. And He shared some things with them that just blew their minds.

Have you ever had your mind blown? I mean, you heard something that is just so awesome, so wonderful, just so overwhelming, it's just like, "Wow! I got to sit down. This is just more than I can take in." Did you know that idiom, "blowing your mind" it's in the Miriam Webster's online dictionary? It says, "Blowing someone's mind - to strongly affect someone with surprise, wonder, delight, etc., to amaze or overwhelm someone."

Now, Jesus has the last night with His guys, and He is telling them some amazing truths to take their little understanding and deepen it greatly. And John is really the only gospel writer that goes into detail about what Jesus said. Theologians call John 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, the Upper Room Discourse. And Jesus was with the guys in the upper room. He's telling them things, and their eyes are getting big because of all these truths that He is telling them; things that they kind of knew, but they didn't know to the depths at all of what Jesus is going to tell them.

So, here's our question: Have you considered how mind-blowing the Upper Room Discourse was for the disciples, and how it is for us?

Now, I think that one of the big dangers in the Christian life is that we grow to a point and then we stagnate. And we say, "Well, I've read the Bible through. I've read the New Testament through. I've been growing. And there are certain things that I saw early in my Ch ...

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